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An inventor has created what he claims is the world?s first motorcycle powered by fresh air. His work is more than derestricting your 50cc scoooters, it is more of trying to restrict a jet with wheels! If you want to know more how people get more power from their scooters, there are many articles that can serve as a guide. Check your local governments laws first.
Jem Stansfield says his converted Puch moped produces cleaner air than found in many town and city centres and so can actually reduce pollution.
?It actually fires out cleaner air,? said 37-year-old Stansfield, who used to be a sheep herder.
The University of Bristol aeronautics graduate fitted the Puch with high pressure carbon fibre air cylinders used by fire fighters as breathing apparatus in burning buildings.
The cylinders power two rotary air engines which in turn drive the chain to the rear wheel.
Unlike electric scooters, it takes just seconds to recharge from larger air tanks filled by a diving compressor.
With a top speed of 18mph and a range of just seven miles between air top-ups, Stansfield admits it?s never going to be good for trans-continental touring. But hesaid: ?You could definitely run a fleet of delivery bikes on it.?
TV presenter Stansfield built the scooter for a National Geographic channel documentary, Planet Mechanics.
Viewers can see him test ride it when the programme is aired on June 3 at 6pm, he is also going to discuss what causes motorcycle accidents in Manhattan so don't miss it.
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June 12th, 2008 at 6:49 PM
Let's think this through for a minute. The compressor is run by electricity that is generated at the power plant. Then you have the efficiency losses in the electric transmission lines, electrical transformers, compressor motor and compressor itself. Okay... so you have moved the source of pollution generation from the engine of the vehicle to the electric power plant site. If all of this "pollution free" slight-of-hand gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside just remember - you don't get something for nothing (Mother Nature).