November 5 2007

Catalogue Choice

Mailbox_Image 01 is a new free web-based service that allows you to decide what gets in your mailbox. Use the tool to help reduce mailbox clutter and save natural resources.

The way it works is that you first register with the website. You then find the catalogs that are sent to you and request that they not be sent any longer. Catalogue Choice takes care of contacting the catalogue providers and requesting that your name be removed from the mailing list. Anytime you receive new unwanted catalogs just log back in and edit your preferences on Catalogue Choice to have it removed from your mailbox!

Here are some facts about the impact of catalogue distribution from their website:

  1. Over eight million tons of trees are consumed each year in the production of paper catalogs.
  2. Nearly half of the planet?s original forest cover is gone today. Forests have effectively disappeared in 25 countries, and another 29 have lost more than 90% of their forest cover.
  3. Deforestation contributes between 20% and 25% of all carbon pollution, causing global climate change.
  4. More than one billion people living in extreme poverty around the world depend on forests for their livelihoods.
  5. There are other significant environmental impacts from the catalog cycle. The production and disposal of direct mail alone consumes more energy than three million cars.
  6. The manufacturing, distribution, collection and disposal of catalogs generates global warming gases as well as air and water pollution. Reducing the number of unwanted catalogs that are mailed will help the environment.

To use the service please go to

Catalogue Choice is a sponsored project of the Ecology Center. It is also endorsed by the National Wildlife Foundation, Natural Resources Defense Council, the Overbrook Foundation, the Merck Family Fund, and the Kendeda Fund.

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November 7th, 2007 at 4:42 PM

geraldine Lyda

Id like to use your service to eliminate catalogs but the website doesn't work. Can you help? Thanks

November 8th, 2007 at 1:39 AM


Hrm. I have not had a chance to sign up yet. I will give it a try over the weekend. We get a ton of junk at our house... If I figure it out I'll let you know. Otherwise there is always the manual way of just sending requests directly to the companies... :( Jonas

November 8th, 2007 at 5:34 PM

Jane Staley

I am glad to know of a site, where I can request to NOT receive the many catalogues I don't use. jes

November 8th, 2007 at 5:48 PM

Jane Staley

I am glad there is a way to stop unwanted catalogues and thus save forests, etc. jes

November 14th, 2007 at 5:23 PM

Janet Sandman

How do I get to the next web site to delete the catalogues and junk mail?

November 17th, 2007 at 2:54 AM

James A. Darnell


November 17th, 2007 at 4:49 AM

Josephine Strong

It was good to hear about you from bill Moyers'Journal tonight.

November 17th, 2007 at 4:13 PM

C. David Draper

I also saw Moyer's Journal last night. Will pass on the stats about catalogues, etc. to members of a church I attend.

November 17th, 2007 at 7:00 PM

Virginia B Neil

How do I get started? Thank you, Bill Moyer, for airing this source to the public. Al of us get way too many catalogues that we don't use or need.

November 17th, 2007 at 9:45 PM

m lattimore

As the other postings have noted,there is no obvious way to use the catalogue deletion service.So.....

November 18th, 2007 at 12:23 AM

barbara collins

I hpe this works. If it does, it's my Christmas present to my mailman

November 18th, 2007 at 1:35 AM

John O'Connell

I hear about this on Bill Moyers Journal Nov 16, 2007 and I am more then happy to discountinuing this unwanted junk mail

November 19th, 2007 at 12:51 AM

Virginia Williamson

What do I do now

November 19th, 2007 at 12:52 AM

Virginia Williamson

I'm signed up, so now what do I do? I have a pile of catalogues that I want to stop coming.

November 19th, 2007 at 2:15 AM


Wow... This post generated a lot of questions. Have you tried the Catalogue Choice Help or FAQ? I did a trial run today and everything appeared to work just fine. Obviously their site needs some work if you all are having problems. I'll send in my question to them. Good luck.

November 19th, 2007 at 11:21 AM

Mary Lonergan

This is such a good idea, but like all the other posters listed above, I need help in moving through the process.

November 19th, 2007 at 11:23 AM

Mary Lonergan


November 19th, 2007 at 3:36 PM

what a great idea. Thanks.

November 19th, 2007 at 3:57 PM

penny luborsky

I also use the name penny luborsky-wechsler for the ll bean catalogue and penny luborsky for the lands end catalogue

November 19th, 2007 at 3:58 PM

penny luborsky

How do I register for this service?

November 19th, 2007 at 5:50 PM

mimi wallace

How do I register for this service? I see nothing to click on the website that will allow me to do this. HELP!

November 19th, 2007 at 9:52 PM


You haven't sent a password, but somehow I am registered. I would like to use your site to cancel catalogues. I think it is a great idea. Please e-mail a password

November 19th, 2007 at 10:17 PM

john sinning

I need help.Tried to register and told my password would come by Email. None ever received. I cannot re-register because my E mail address has already been used (by me). I seem stuck. Thanks for any help.

November 19th, 2007 at 11:10 PM

Mitzi Trachtenberg

I am thrilled that I can eliminate so much trash mailing from our lives.

November 21st, 2007 at 2:55 PM



November 21st, 2007 at 6:02 PM

Jim Scott

People, click on (in first paragraph).

November 21st, 2007 at 7:26 PM

Lois MacNamara

Tried to register but no password was sent to my email account. Appears others are having the same problem. Might you fix the problem?

November 21st, 2007 at 8:49 PM


Hello everyone. I am having trouble understanding what your questions are? I have added the link clearly at the bottom of the post as If you have any questions about the catalogue choice website please direct them to the help or FAQ on the catalogue choice site. As far as using the site... I have had success. Just start with the "get started" button on the opening page and proceed from there... it is a pretty easy process. Passwords and such are handled much in the same way as on most sites... if you forget yours... just ask them to resend it using your email address. Hope you have better luck...

November 21st, 2007 at 9:41 PM


i was able to log on / sign up easily. i clicked on the site provided ( and then "get started..." and followed the instructions from there. i also noticed there is a "contact us" option from the site directly. that may be useful for those of you having trouble. good luck!

November 24th, 2007 at 5:09 AM

Virginia Fultz

I have attempted to register, but have not received a password enabling me to log on; therefore, I have been unable to use this site. I've called a billion catalogues requesting to be removed and am still receiving unwanted junk. HELP! How do I use this site?

November 24th, 2007 at 5:30 AM

Virginia Fultz

I figured it out.

December 2nd, 2007 at 5:25 PM


There is NO PLACE to register in order ot use this site. Please send link asap. I am sick of these intrusive mailings!

December 3rd, 2007 at 2:30 AM

Toni Brown

We are looking for a means to eliminate the flow of unsolicited mail.

February 21st, 2008 at 8:25 PM

klara heilbrunn

I would love to get rid of unwanted catalogues, but have no idea how to sign up. I am swamped, and it's bad even after the holidays

February 21st, 2008 at 8:26 PM

klara heilbrunn

how do i sign up?

May 24th, 2008 at 11:58 AM

Don Bruen

How do I restrict catalogues in mymailbox?? This website is too preachy and no action.
