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A new mixed use facility in Independence Oregon is being called the "world's greenest building" by it's developers, Aldeia LLC. The building, scheduled to be completed in early 2010, will house 15 condominiums, retail stores, and multiple offices. The developers foresee that it will receive the highest LEED rating recorded-64 points out of a possible 69! The points will be achieved as the building employs multiple green strategies such as rainwater re-use, daylighting, and the use of reclaimed and recylced building materials.
The most interesting way points will be obtained is through power generated from Biodiesel. Besides the common mixed use functions, the building will also house facilities for biodiesel production, education, and research. Grease from local restaurants will be converted to biodeisel on site and be used to power seven of the building's generators. In the summer, when heat loads are much less, the building will be mostly powered by PV panels.
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April 20th, 2009 at 10:45 PM
Mr. Bad Green
I checked out the LEED scorecard hosted at the develoment website and they are still using LEED NC v2.1, which is getting quite dated, considering that v2.2 is being phased out now. Also v2.1 had lower requirements for MR credits. This is an extreme example of pointmongering. Project teams have the option of using v2.2, these guys chose not to in order to maximize their points.